We develop workshops on emerging tools and techniques in computational arts with a hands-on and theoretical-practical approach; as well as seminars with specialists to discuss emerging topics and critical theories in art, technology, and science, promoting critical thinking and deep reflection.


Voices are quantum frontiers, existing between the "other" and the "self," meaning and noise, individuality and the collective. Through a series of exercises and stretches, first physical and then vocal, participants are challenged to forget false dichotomies like "inside/outside" or "electronic/organic" and to let go of expectations about their own voice. Using extended vocal techniques, we will explore how to produce sounds that defy the typical humanoid vocal capacity. This workshop is open to anyone interested in rethinking the relationship between voice, body, and technology in a conscious and exploratory way.

Workshop with Carincur
Duration: 6 hours

A workshop aimed at generating critical thinking about the human being's place and the fantasy of their biological individuality, while reflecting on associations between species without competitive dualities. Through improvisation with four main elements — water, machine, body, and space — we will have the opportunity to experiment and discover new singularities in sound composition by manipulating and processing sounds submerged and propagated through water.

Workshop with Carincur
Duration: 4 hours

This workshop explores the potential of fauna and flora in symbiosis with machines, using sound and light techniques. Plants, animals, and all living beings on the planet are transformed within a digital dimension. During this session, participants will have the opportunity to create a unique being through synesthesia and immediate impulse in the manipulation of MIDI controllers and light (Daslight) and sound (Ableton) software.

Workshop with Carincur and João Pedro Fonseca
Duration: 6 hours

An introductory workshop on the potential of 3D. A dynamic session that combines techniques in 3D modeling, 3D scanning, sound, and video editing using Blender software. In this interactive workshop, participants will learn to create digital objects, explore advanced animation techniques, and produce aesthetically immersive content. From product visualizations and videos for advertising and promotional campaigns to virtual fashion shows, this session offers a practical insight into the innovative applications of 3D.

Workshop with Carincur and João Pedro Fonseca
Duration: 8 hours

Practical and interactive workshop where participants have the opportunity to explore the connection between bodily movement and sound manipulation through the use of motion sensors and mathematical axes. During the workshop, participants will learn to use the sensors to capture human body movements and transform that data into parameters for sound creation and modulation.

Workshop with Lua Carreira
Duration: 6 hours


Seminar with artist-researchers from ZABRA center, where they presented their philosophy regarding AI applied to their creative works.

Carincur, João Pedro Fonseca, Filipe Baptista, Lua Carreira
Universidade Lusófona - XXVI Semana Internacional do Cinema e Artes dos Media

Exploring the methodologies and socioeconomic impacts of transdisciplinary projects that incorporate innovation, art, science, and technology, this discussion addresses how new artistic practices, based on the intensive use of new media and disruptive visions of the human, support new audiences and alternative economic models. The conversation will take place during an open class on Creative Economy and Culture, as part of the Master's program in Cultural Management.

Carincur, João Pedro Fonseca
Instituto Politécnico de Leiria - Escola Superior de Artes e Design

A roundtable discussion based on the pilot project Sub_Bar Academy - an innovative initiative aimed at launching a musical ecosystem for deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) individuals - explored the impact of musical language in a diverse auditory context and how music can transcend the barriers of conventional auditory perception. In this gathering, we questioned and rethought traditional definitions of hearing and discovered the numerous creative and inclusive ways in which music can be experienced.

Panel: Francesco Spaggiari, Filipe Mesquita, Carolina Silva, Sub_Bar students, Carincur, João Pedro Fonseca
ZABRA - Centro de Investigação de Arte Pós-Humana

Talk with Manuel Bogalheiro based on the performance WIRED DREAMS by João Pedro Fonseca, presented in January at the ZABRA space, where we were led to reflect on it through authors such as Donna Haraway, Katherine Hayles, Nick Land, and even William Gibson with his work Neuromancer.

Manuel Bogalheiro
ZABRA - Centro de Investigação de Arte Pós-Humana

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