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Short and long-term course in Expanded Computational Arts, ranging from introductions to specific artistic technologies to advanced programs.
We will have scholarships available for our Expanded Computational Arts Course.
For three months, three students from the Audiovisual and Multimedia Course at IPBeja interned at ZABRA. During this period, within our universe, they not only refined techniques and concepts related to sound, image, and performance but, more crucially, expanded a profound sense of orientation as free beings, awakened to new frontiers of contemporary experiences and ideas. They immersed themselves in human interaction with new digital technologies, free from fear or fundamentalist control — embracing the synergistic interconnections between human agency and machine intelligence as an emancipatory cooperation for understanding and exploring the self and the world.
On the weekend of June 29 and 30, 2024, the results of this experience were presented at ZABRA: two performances — The Silent Cycle of The Gaze by João Bico and Perversion of Recursion by Nuno Figueira — and an interactive installation — Reverse Stereognosis by Joaquim Fernandes. This event, titled AFTER WINDOWS, HANDS & PORN, opens a new line at ZABRA: the prelude to three new artists among us.
On the weekend of June 29 and 30, 2024, the results of this experience were presented at ZABRA: two performances — The Silent Cycle of The Gaze by João Bico and Perversion of Recursion by Nuno Figueira — and an interactive installation — Reverse Stereognosis by Joaquim Fernandes. This event, titled AFTER WINDOWS, HANDS & PORN, opens a new line at ZABRA: the prelude to three new artists among us.