Official website

Transdisciplinary artist and researcher of post-human art creation techniques. She has been developing her practice by weaving the image of the human being into a hybrid with technology. By exploring extended realities (VR/AR/MR), artificial intelligence, acoustic phenomena, visual perceptions, and the voice as a synthesis device, she seeks to create post-human voices to understand the transitions between organic and digital bodies.

João Pedro Fonseca
Official website

Transdisciplinary artist whose work is dedicated to spectrality, transcendence, occultism, transhumanism, experimental territories, and immaterial properties in XR and AI. Through her creations, she breaks the barriers between the physical and digital realms with the aim of creating unique environments endowed with living consciousness and hyperstitional entities.

Lua Carreira
Official website

Multidisciplinary artist with an extensive background in dance and performance, whose work is dedicated to the deconstruction of the performative body through a transdisciplinary approach, exploring technology and researching new corporeal entities, combined with creative processes of sound and light manipulation.